When making TX on Request Network, a minor fee is required before broadcasting to the network. This fee discourages bad actors from using the network maliciously, keeping it free from spam and performant.
The REQ token allows the Request network to migrate, simultaneously run on multiple blockchains, or even run on its own dedicated blockchain, without hurting the core mechanisms of the network. This makes the network independent from both the currency and technical infrastructure provided by others.
Request network leverages decentralized networks like Ethereum and IPFS for increased security, privacy, and data ownership for the user, minor fees are required at each step in the process.
Transaction costs are collected in xDAI tokens on the Gnosis Chain. These are then periodically moved to the mainnet as DAI, and swapped into REQ tokens using an on-chain liquidity protocol called Kyber Network. This practically reduces this amount of REQ from the total supply,
REQ supply decreases proportionally to the increasing adoption of the Request network. The higher the growth, the more deflationary the REQ token is.
Community dashboard tracking REQ stats:
REQ address on Ethereum Mainnet
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